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Letter to the listener.

Hi, first of all congratulations, you made it this far. 

I can not know for certain why you chose to swallow the MOFO-Pill & venture down the rabbit hole, but nevertheless you’re here. 

As people we often try to dehumanise others whom we disagree with, so much so that some people have been unpersoned & deplatformed to the point of being totally ostracised. Mob rule has made people so afraid of speaking their mind it has literally shaped the zeitgeist as we know it. 

From a historical perspective this has always been the case, society has always battled with taboo subjects that has led to horrible consequences for anyone whom dares voicing the unspeakable. Currently, Witch-hunts start online, & if your so called thought crime is heinous enough it will project itself into the real world. People have lost family members, friends, business partners, spouses, jobs, sponsorships etc. Some thought crimes have been so repugnant and unforgivable, people have been banned from countries, had their bank accounts closed and totally wiped from using any kind of mainstream social media platform. 

The internet has projected itself into everyday life, hence the fragmentation. The problems we face are the following: 

  • The powers that be are holding on to a model of governance that has outstayed its welcome. 
  • As citizens we must admit to ourselves that the current paradigm is a failure.
  • We must look to the past in order to properly asses the future. 

In order to move on from these simple bullet points we must look at reality for what it is, & not how we wish it to be. Divorce & dislocation from each other is the only solution. 

Make no mistake, this is war & the only way for us to find any semblance of peace is through digital, monetary & geographical secession. Those whom choose to demonise and ridicule secession are the same people whom claim to be firemen but in actuality are arsonists.  

Yours Truly MOFO.

Thursday 22 July 2021. 


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